The Huerta de San Vicente was the summer home of the García Lorca family from 1926 to 1936. In it, Federico García Lorca wrote, totally or in part, some of his major works, among them Así que pasen cinco años (1931), Bodas de sangre (1932), Yerma (1934) and Diván del Tamarit (1931-1936). The poet lived in the Huerta de San Vicente during the days just before his arrest and assassination in August 1936, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
In 1985 the Huerta de San Vicente, including its nearly two hectares of land, the two adjoining houses and the original furnishings which had been conserved, became property of City Hall of Granada. In 1995 it was opened to the public as a House-Museum and from 1997 to 2012 was managed under the Patronato Municipal model. The objectives of the Huerta de San Vicente are organized around two basic areas: the conservation of the House-Museum and the programming of activities.
A place of historic and literary interest, the Huerta de San Vicente is at present a live cultural center within the city of Granada.