The García Lorca family used to spend the summer months in Asquerosa, later renamed Valderrubio, a village in the Vega of Granada where Federico García Lorca wrote some of his first works.
Much closer to Granada, less than one kilometer outside the southeast city limits, in the whereabouts of the aformentioned Jaragüi or Fargüi, the head of the family, Federico García, found a country estate with 36 marjales —a little over 19,000 square meters— of irrigated land with various fruit trees, and intended for the harvest of vegetables and legumes.
Within the perimeter there were two houses: an old house of labor where the gatekeepers were to live, and another house of recent construction, where the new owners would reside in summer from the year 1926 onward. Federico García signed the contract of purchase on 27 May, 1925. The Huerta, which in a mid-17th century census appeared under the name “los Marmolillos” and in the mid-19th century was known as “los Mudos”, came to be known, from then on, as the “Huerta de San Vicente” in honor of Vicenta Lorca.
Although over the years the Garcia Lorca family introduced novelties such as electric light, the radio, the telephone or the automobile, the Huerta de San Vicente meant for them, above all, a means of reunitement with the land during summertime, especially after 1933, the year when they moved to Madrid. Aside from the small plot of land used as a vegetable garden for the family´s own consumption, they grew wheat, potatoes, broad beans, corn and tobacco. The trees produced plums, cherries, apples, pears, quince, nuts, persimmons and figs. They planted white and black poplars at the edges of the orchard, so as to not block the spectacular views from the house.
Isabel García Lorca:
That house and the orchard were received by us, I believe this was the intention my father had when he purchased it, as a toy, a distraction, coming from the great open farmland, of a truly rural life. That was a different world. It was inhabited farmland, civilized, made to the measure of the human being. It seemed to have been designed for living with enjoyment of a domesticated nature, of a refinement unthinkable nowadays.