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In JANUARY, Federico puts the finishing touches on Mariana Pineda, while also initiating correspondence with Jorge Guillén. During the month of APRIL, he spends a few days at the family home of Dalí, in Cadaqués (Gerona), where he reads Mariana Pineda aloud; shortly thereafter, in the notary´s office of Dali´s father, in Figueras, he gives another reading in front of numerous guests. The Ateneo de Figueras offers a special meal in his honor, after which he gives a poetry reading. In the company of Dalí, he spends some days in Barcelona; there too, in the Ateneo, he reads Mariana Pineda to a selected audience, along with some of the poems from Romancero gitano. He spends MAY in Madrid and JUNE in Granada. The family purchases the Huerta de San Vicente, a country home where Federicos spends much of his time afterwards. In between correspondence with Salvador and Ana María Dalí, he sets out to write Oda a Salvador Dalí. He reads La zapatera prodigiosa to his friends Miguel Cerón and Fernando Vílchez, and begins to write Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín. Back in Madrid, late in the year, he becomes acquainted with sculptor Emilio Aladrén, with whom he has a romantic relationship until 1929.

JANUARY and February are taken up with travels to and through the Alpujarras in the company of Manuel de Falla, Alfonso García Valdecasas, Antonio Luna, Manuel Torres López and José Segura. He finishes a version of Amor de don Perlimplín. FEBRUARY is also witness to the conference “La imagen poética de don Luis de Góngora” in the Ateneo of Granada. MARCH back to the Residencia de Estudiantes. In APRIL he publishes “Oda a Salvador Dalí” in the prestigious Revista de Occidente. A poetry reading in the Ateneo of Valladolid. Jean Cassou reviews —in Mercure de France— the Ode to Dalí. Federico spends the summer between Asquerosa, the Huerta de San Vicente and the Alpujarra village of Lanjarón. Aspiring to economic independence from his family, he considers the possibility of studying to become a professor of Literature at the University. In OCTOBER he presents the conference “Paraíso cerrado para muchos, jardines abiertos para pocos”, on Soto de Rojas, in the Ateneo of Granada. His correspondence now takes in Guillermo de Torre and Gerardo Diego. The magazine from Málaga Litoral, directed by Emilio Prados and Manuel Altolaguirre, publishes poems from Romancero gitano. He gives a copy of his play Mariana Pineda to actress Margarita Xirgu.

The poet makes preparations with a group of friends form Granada to come out with a literary magazine by the name of Gallo, to appear the following year. FEBRUARY Margarita Xirgu expresses her wish to stage Mariana Pineda that summer in Barcelona. García Lorca puts Salvador Dalí in charge of the sets. In March he reads the play before the actress from Cataluña. Further poems are published in APRIL, in Verso y Prosa, a journal printed in Murcia under the direction of Juan Guerrero Ruiz; and Litoral of Málaga publishes Canciones (1921-1924). Correspondence with Rafael Martínez Nadal. MAY through AUGUST are spent in Cataluña, to prepare the opening of Mariana Pineda. While in Barcelona he meets Sebastiá Gasch, Lluis Montanyà and other writers associated with the literary magazine L’Amic de les Arts, which publishes his romance “Reyerta de gitanos”, accompanied by a drawing by Dalí. He goes to Sitges with Dalí and Gasch, then spends a few days in Cadaqués. JUNE the opening of Mariana Pineda in the Teatro Goya of Barcelona. In June and July some of his drawings are put on display in the Dalmau Galleries of Barcelona; meanwhile, Dalí dedicates the prose piece “San Sebastián” (published in L’Amic de les Arts) to FGL. In early August he goes back to the Huerta de San Vicente, and after a short stay in Lanjarón, he settles in Granada. His poems from this period have a surrealistic touch, and postal correspondence with Sebastià Gasch continues. OCTOBER the theatrical company of Margarita Xirgu presents Mariana Pineda in the Teatro Fontalba of Madrid. Federico meets Vicente Aleixandre. La Gaceta Literaria, directed by Ernesto Giménez Caballero, offers a banquet in his name in the Villa Rosa. In NOVEMBER, the prose piece “Santa Lucía y San Lázaro” appears in Revista de Occidente. The month of DECEMBER entails a presentation in the Residencia de Estudiantes on “La imagen poética de don Luis de Góngora”, and a homage to Góngora prepared at the Ateneo of Seville will claim the presence of García Lorca himself, Dámaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego, Jorge Guillén, José Bergamín, Rafael Alberti and Juan Chabás; and also the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, who finances the excursion. While in Seville, Federico becomes acquainted with Luis Cernuda, Fernando Villalón and Joaquín Romero Murube.

The first months of the year transpire in Granada. Federico plans to publish a book of drawings, with a prologue by Gasch and an epilogue by Dalí. He takes a short trip with Manuel de Falla to Guadix, within the province of Granada. His attention is focused on “Oda al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar” and “Oda a Sesostris”, and he finishes La zapatera prodigiosa. MARCH the first issue of Gallo comes out; it is followed, in a humorous vein, by Pavo, a magazine created by the same hands and minds as Gallo. FGL gets to know a journalist from the United States, Mildred Adams. MAY the second and final issue of Gallo comes out. APRIL is spent in Madrid. JULY witnesses a conference in Zamora on “Paraíso cerrado para muchos, jardines abiertos para pocos”. Issues of Revista de Occidente publish Romancero gitano. The newspapers print items about a crime of passion in Níjar, an event that gives rise to Bodas de sangre. AUGUST is marked by correspondence with Jorge Zalamea, from Columbia. In SEPTEMBER, Mariana Pineda is published by La Farsa, while the magazine L’Amic de les Arts features the more surrealistic prose. OCTOBER in the Ateneo of Granada, Federico reads a paper titled “Imaginación, inspiración, evasión”, which would later be retitled La mecánica de la poesía; and just days thereafter, another work: Sketch de la nueva pintura. The Revista de Occidente publishes Oda al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, dedicated to Falla. DECEMBER of 1928 brings the conference El patetismo de la canción de cuna española in the Residencia de Estudiantes of Madrid, and an interview by Ernesto Giménez Caballero for La Gaceta Literaria.

Sentimental quarrels with Emilio Aladrén; Federico decides to travel to New York. In JANUARY, La Gaceta Literaria publishes “Degollación de los inocentes”, illustrated by Dalí. On account of the death of the mother of King Alfonso XIII, in FEBRUARY the opening of Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín (by the experimental theatrical group Caracol) is called off. Yet other ventures carry on: the conference "Imaginación, inspiración, evasión" (Lyceum Club of Madrid); the second edition of Canciones; the longstanding friendship with Carlos Morla Lynch, Chilean diplomat destined to Madrid, along with his wife, Bebé Vicuña. In APRIL, FGL reads Oda a Salvador Dalí and “Romance de Thamar y Amnón” in the Cineclub. The Ateneo of Bilbao calls for a repeat conference on "Imaginación, inspiración, evasión"; and Federico offers a reading of poetry in the Cineclub of Bilbao. APRIL the poet goes to Granada to attend the opening of Mariana Pineda by the theatrical company of Margarita Xirgu in the Teatro Cervantes. MAY a banquet in honor of the author and the actress in the Hotel Alhambra Palace and, some days afterward, a poetry reading in the same hotel. The village of Fuente Vaqueros pays homage to its native son. JUNE shortly before leaving for New York, La Gaceta Literaria honors FGL with a departure banquet. The poet spends a few days in Granada, then returns to Madrid.


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